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Scholarships for degree students


      To promote the school’s internationalization, and to encourage and reward outstanding international students at NTUB who complete their studies here, NTUB has established the Scholarship Program for International Students. The Program is sponsored by the Ministry of Education Award and NTUB School Affairs Fund. Up to 50% of the school’s income from international student’s tuition fees and other miscellaneous fees can be used to sponsor the Program.




Overseas Chinese and Mainland Chinese students are not eligible. Applicants must be either:

(i)     Any international student applying for admission to NTUB as a first-year undergraduate or postgraduate student. Or

(ii)    Any undergraduate or postgraduate international student currently enrolled at NTUB but not in a period of extension for graduation.

Students cannot apply for the scholarship under the Program if they already have a scholarship.

獎學金分配Scholarship Allocation




(i)Scholarship disbursed once per semester.

(ii)NT$15,000 per recipient.

(iii)The number of recipients for each semester is subject to the number of applicants and the funding available for sponsorship in that academic year.

申請資格Qualifying Applications






(i) Any international student who has enrolled in NTUB as a first-year student; or

(ii) Any international student not in their first year, but who has official academic records at NTUB and is one of the following:

1. An undergraduate student at NTUB who has completed at least one full semester, The percentage of ranking in the previous semester's academic class is in the top 70%, and a conduct score higher than 80, and has no record of misconduct in the previous semester;

2. A postgraduate student at NTUB who has completed at least one full semester, The percentage of ranking in the previous semester's academic class is in the top 50%, and a conducting score higher than 80, and has no record of misconduct in the previous semester; or

3. Those who have completed one semester of the doctoral program, ranked in the top 20% of the academic class in the previous semester, have a conduct of A or above, and have no bad records.


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